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DLE Survey Promo Pack

We now offer templates for you to promote your surveys via print or digital options. Publicizing the survey by using flyers, social media, school website, and emails, as well as incentives provided for participation can reinforce the message to students that survey results are valued and used on campus. Communicating the importance of the survey to your students can contribute to higher response rates (Dillman, 2007). Encouraging Participation in CIRP Surveys will give your more information about the factors that contribute to higher response rates, as well as more in-depth information and ideas for promoting the survey on your campus.

Download and save to your desktop a Promo Pack item (Social Media – Intro, Reminder or Stats; Email; or Flyer/Poster). Edit the text – PDFs are editable to customize the message for your campus.

Instructions for saving an Editable PDF as a JPG

Some of the Editable PDFs included in the Diverse Learning Environments Survey Promo Pack must be converted to .JPGs if you plan to post them to social media or embed in an email.

How to Convert:

  • 1. Open PDF.
  • 2. Type your school’s information into any of the light blue boxes. If you chose to leave some boxes blank, delete the placeholder copy.
  • 3. Go to File > Save As in Acrobat
  • 4. Change the “Format” to .JPG
  • 5. Click save.

Websites and Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Enter your desired tweet, post on Facebook or other social media, and attach the corresponding JPEG file.

For example, on Facebook
  • The Diverse Learning Environments Survey coming to your inbox soon!

    Please share your experience as a student with us! We want your input!


You can use the email attachment as a pre-notification to students (please see our sample pre-notification email templates), or include it in your email with the link to the survey. (Please make sure that your institution’s email system will allow attachments).


Customize the text in the flyer (8.5x11) or poster (11x17), print them out and post on campus.


Share the results with your students after the survey so that they can see the direct results of their participation. Our infographics can be customized to include your institution's data compare to the national statistics. The infographic poster can be shared online, or printed out and posted on campus.

Visit Our Infographics Page